exit the blonde lengths, the singer shocks her fans with a radical change of head

When you are told Angèle, you necessarily think of hits like “Brussels I love you”, but also to her long blond hair. Well now, the singer wears a whole new hair look : shorter, darker.

While she is currently on tour for her latest album “Nonante Cinq”, Angèle reveals behind the scenes on her account instagram. And to the surprise of her 3.5 million subscribers, Angèle shows herself in a brand new look: in brunette and with much shorter hair. While this hair metamorphosis looks like a simple wig, the reactions fuse in the comments.

Some run into the wall: “It took me a while to recognize you on the first one, it’s worrying”, a follower commented. While others encourage Romeo Elvis’ sister to take the leap, like this other subscriber: “even if it’s just a wig, brown hair angele would be amazing”. How to change Angèle’s mind? Anyway, the singer has succeeded: to react.

But if some people no longer recognize her as a brunette, lately, he no longer recognized… her voice. “It’s not Angèle anymore, it’s Angina” criticized some Internet users when his performance at Tous Nice appeared on the Web on April 18. It does not matter, in blonde, as in brunette, and with the critics, the Belgian singer remains validated by many fans.

Antoine FM

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