exit Cherry, he appears with his ex who had nevertheless pointed the finger at him for the “meager pension” he pays him!

Despite his health concerns, Renaud proved that he was eternal and could still perform as well. Indeed, this Wednesday, May 31, the 71-year-old artist gave an event concert at the Olympia on the occasion of his tour called “In My Strings”. A host of stars responded, including the faithful of the interpreter of “Winner Mistral”. Starting with his ex-wife, Romane Serda, with whom their love ended in 2011.

The proof, with the snapshot of it posted on her Instagram account this Thursday, June 1. A shot in which she appears all smiles and accomplice with Renaud, hand resting on the shoulder of the latter. “Superb evening” she rejoiced in the legend of her publication. The proof that all is well between them despite the end of their story and the recent declarations of Romane Serda at Jordan de Luxe. Indeed, the mother of Malone Séchan visited the journalist last March to discuss his past life alongside the artist.

See also: Renaud: madly in love at 70, he makes a radical decision for Cerise, his new darling of 27 years!

A low pension paid by Renaud?

But also the meager pension he pays her for their son. Jordan de Luxe, first asked if she could qualify as “misery” the pension paid to him by Renaud since their separation. “A misery? No, but everyone makes fun of me saying ‘but you’re crazy, you should ask ten times more!’ But I’m not in it”, she then corrected in front of the journalist. Despite the latter’s insistence, Romane Serda never wanted to reveal the amount. Whether she did or not, the fact that her ex-girlfriend considers her pension to be “low” has reached Renaud’s ears. And this one didn’t really like it.

The day after the interview with his ex-wife, the 71-year-old artist sent a press release, written by his lawyer, to AFP. “Following the remarks made by my ex-wife Romane Serda in the program Chez Jordan on the C8 channel, I will have the elegance not to mention the real amount of the alimony paid for the education and comfort of my son. However, I strongly refute the undervaluation suggested during this broadcast”he lamented in particular.

The artist out of himself after the words of Romane Serda

Renaud did not stop there and continued: “I would like to point out that I have also regularly paid, since the divorce, large supplements to the alimony negotiated between our lawyers, when my ex-wife requests it, and that these sums may be necessary for comfort, for the leisure and well-being of our son and his mother”. Like what, despite the anger after this interview, everything seems to be going well between them and the recent snapshot proves it.


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