Exit ban for seniors in CHSLDs: “it’s difficult”

The new instruction which prohibits seniors in CHSLDs and intermediate resources (RI) from leaving their living environment at Christmas, issued on Thursday, creates many disappointments.

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“We received an email yesterday. We understand that these measures are to protect vulnerable people. But it is sure that at the last minute like that, it is difficult, ”says Johanne Audet of the Regroupement des relatives aidants de Bellechasse.

Many families and caregivers are disappointed with the directive since they had put a lot of work into preparing for the coming of their loved one during the holidays.

“To spend a few days at home, you still have to prepare the home. Some people have gone to find specialized equipment to move the person safely to their home. So, of course, it’s very disorganizing at the last minute like that, ”explains Ms. Audet.

This decision was taken by the government in order to protect the most vulnerable.

“Residents in CHSLDs are getting sicker and sicker, if you will, not very fit, the immune system is damaged, the state of health is weaker. So they are much more at risk, ”says Benoit Gauthier of the St-Jean-Eudes accommodation center.

If they cannot leave their living environment, seniors in CHSLDs may however be visited by two people who are adequately vaccinated per day, one person at a time.

according to information from Kariane Bourassa

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