“exhausted”, “overwhelmed”, the testimonies of teachers from the Pyrénées-Orientales

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered this Thursday morning in front of the Castillet, in Perpignan. The unions had announced a mobilization “historical“in National Education. Indeed, many professions have ceased work: teachers, both public and private, school heads, inspectors, etc. All denounce the government’s management of the health crisis, and the protocols that are evolving day by day.

I’m exhausted, says this school principal, in the Pyrénées-Orientales. I work in the evenings, on weekends, I neglect my family life. And not all parents support us.“Since the start of the school year in January, the protocol has changed twice. “We are on the third, if I count correctly“, testifies Vincent, director of a school in Perpignan.

Wishing to remain anonymous, like other of his colleagues, Vincent also notes attitude “hurtful“of the minister of National Education. Jean-Michel Blanquer said a few days ago: “You don’t go on strike against a virus.

“In twenty years of management, this is the first time that I have been passed.”
A school principal in the Pyrénées-Orientales

Since the start of the school year, it is the puzzle for directors. They keep computer charts to keep track of children’s test results. Three negative self-tests are necessary, a few days apart, to return to class when there is a positive case among the classmates.

In twenty years of management, this is the first time that I have been passed, tells this other director in the Pyrénées-Orientales. My head is under water, lost in the protocols that we discover on TV.

“We are not respected.”
Isabelle, teacher in Saleilles

We are pissed off“, recognizes Isabelle. Kindergarten teacher in Saleilles, she denounces the different protocols who “ne protect neither the pupils, nor the teachers, nor the families. We know that in kindergarten, to prevent their child from sticking a stick in his nose, parents will provide false attestations on their honor that their child is negative.

In the demonstration this Thursday morning, banners and placards attacked Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer directly. © Radio France
Tanguy Bocconi

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