“exhausted” by three months of war, residents of the Gaza Strip dream of a ceasefire for the new year

“Sold out” through almost three months of war, the population of Gaza dreams of “END” clashes this New Year’s weekend. Between deadly strikes, fierce fighting, incessant displacement and humanitarian aid that arrives in dribs and drabs, the inhabitants of the Palestinian enclave have been living the horror of war for several weeks. The Israeli army continued its massive bombardments on Friday in the Gaza Strip, where the UN agency for Palestinian refugees denounced the conditions for the delivery of humanitarian aid. Follow our live stream.

Glimmer of hope. A Hamas delegation is in Cairo to discuss an Egyptian plan to gradually end the fighting. With three stages, the Egyptian plan provides for renewable truces, staggered releases of Palestinian hostages and prisoners and, ultimately, a cessation of hostilities.

New sale “emergency” shells to Israel. The US government announced on Friday that it had approved “emergency”without going through Congress, the sale to Israel of artillery ammunition for an amount of 147.5 million dollars.

Humanitarian disaster. The approximately 2.4 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, 85% of whom have had to flee their homes according to the UN, continue to face a disastrous humanitarian situation. “The traumatized population” And “exhausted” piles up on “an increasingly smaller piece of land” in the south of the territory, in the Rafah sector, said on the head of UN humanitarian operations, Martin Griffiths.

South Africa appeals to the ICJ against the “genocide” in Gaza. Pretoria filed a petition against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday for “genocide” against the Palestinian people in Gaza, accusations immediately brushed aside “with disgust” by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

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