Yannick Jadot is campaigning for a “social tariff” for energy while gas prices will increase on July 1, 2024, after those of electricity on February 1.
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“Exercising the price of gas like the price of electricity in a non-discriminatory manner for all consumers is a social mistake”says Yannick Jadot, environmentalist senator from Paris, on franceinfo Monday February 5.
As part of the gradual disappearance of the price shield in force since autumn 2021, electricity taxes increased on Thursday February 1, leading to a general increase in bills. In detail, the 9.3 million households subscribing to a differentiated rate between peak and off-peak hours will see this increase by 9.8% on average. For the 10.6 million households at the basic rate, the increase will be 8.6%. Concerning gas, the bill will increase again from 5.5% to 10.4% for the French, from July 1, announced Friday February 2 the Energy Regulatory Commission and the network manager GRDF .
Towards “a social tariff” for energy?
So, “we need to put social aspects back into our energy policy”, believes Yannick Jadot. The senator pleads “for a social price” Energy. He assures that environmentalists “have been fighting for a very long time so that the first kilowatts for electricity, the first m3 for gas or water are cheaper because they correspond to essential needs for families”.
The elected environmentalist believes that “the energy shield has benefited more those who have big houses, big cars than those who have small houses, who are in fuel poverty or who have small cars, that’s not okay”.