Executives in a strong position to negotiate their salary

65% of executives who negotiate their salary upon hiring obtain satisfaction.

In detail, 51% of executives obtain the salary they requested when they were recruited. 14% get an even higher amount, according to an APEC study. New proof, if any were needed, that the balance of power has shifted in favor of employees, and in particular executives.

franceinfo: With inflation, are executives revising their expectations upwards?

Sarah Lemoine: Faced with recruitment difficulties, they are being courted, particularly in the stressed professions of IT specialists, accountants or salespeople. Employers, stuck, are providing additional funding, particularly for these difficult-to-fill positions. Note that women who negotiate obtain the same result as men. But fewer of them dare to discuss, especially those who are under 35.

Who addresses the salary issue first?

The recruiter. In 90% of cases, it is he who first asks the candidate about his expectations or his current salary. But without immediately revealing all his cards. The real negotiation tends to happen at the end of the hiring process, when it comes to retaining the candidate. Only a small minority of executives, who find themselves in a favorable position, immediately put the subject on the table, so as not to waste time.

Mistakes not to make

“It’s all in the posture,” say the HR managers interviewed by APEC. Talking big money, too quickly, before showing interest in the position and the company is frowned upon. Increasing your salary expectations as the negotiation progresses should be absolutely avoided. Being too firm or too rigid, trying to impose your remuneration, can derail the discussion. Finally, talking about your family or financial situation is not necessarily the right option.

The executives who negotiated their salary upon hiring sold their professional experience, their seniority in the profession, the expertise they could bring, but also their knowledge of the sector and the market.

Companies that have limited room for maneuver can play on other tables

This could be profit-sharing, participation, days off or RTT, the possibility of teleworking. A telephone, a computer, a company car for salespeople. Some companies sometimes promise a raise within the year following recruitment.

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