Excluded Public – Afida Turner hasn’t slammed the door on “LOL”: “it’s completely false!”

Public: Several media are talking about your sudden departure from the filming of “LOL”, what is it really?
Afida Turner: I never left the set. And all the people who try to bullshit, it’s completely false. As we are a hit, they wanted to ride the wave.
The filming of LOL, I filmed this 6 months ago, I was approached to obviously sing ‘Étienne’, because the whole LOL team loved ‘Étienne’. So it was fantastic – hairdresser, make-up, the team was very nice. They all knew ‘Étienne’, and everyone sang ‘Étienne’. It was great.
I was told I couldn’t sing ‘Étienne’ because of the rights and when they told me ‘La Barbichette’, I thought it was a joke or a hidden camera. But for me, only crazy stories happen to me, my life is a real show, a real circus! So I told them ‘wait, I’m leaving, I’m going to have a glass of wine, your story isn’t true’. And in fact on the effect of the joke I said ‘yeah’! I left to have a glass of red wine, listen to the song and freestyle afterwards.
I came back on set, I said ‘ok guys, I’m ready’. And I freestyled, here’s the story of the Goatee, it was amazing and they all loved it and we loved it!
Audience: Will you soon, as with Etienne, officially release a cover of La Barbichette?
Afida Turner: We’re talking about it right now, because everyone loves it. It’s in the oven.
Audience: What contact do you keep today with the LOL gang?
Afida Turner: I have always worked with Endemol for a very long time and people kept calling back because I love what I do, it’s a hit and the public loves it and asks for more. So of course with pleasure. And I would also like to announce a scoop, which is that you will see me in 10 days in a new television show! I can’t say more and you will love it.
Audience: Is it possible that you yourself will be one of the participants in a future season?
Afida Turner: Of course, as soon as someone calls me and it’s for fun, I love to participate because I do things from the heart and to have fun. And I think that’s why it appeals so much to the public. And I had a fantastic time on set and on LOL.

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