Excluded France Bleu: Pascal Dupraz confirms the track of striker Jean-Philippe Mateta at ASSE

Pascal Dupraz spoke at length this Friday morning on the antenna of France Bleu Saint-Étienne. The coach of ASSE, who landed in Forez on December 14 to try to save the Greens from relegation addressed the burning issue of the transfer window. With three reinforcements already (Barakay Sako, Paul Bernardoni and Sada Thioub), AS Saint-Étienne is still looking for itself at least one defender and one goalscorer.

We have him on the phone regularly – Pascal Dupraz about Jean-Philippe Mateta

On the record of striker Pascal Dupraz confirmed that Jean-Philippe Mateta (Crystal Palace) was in the sights: “The more we talk about this player, the less he will come to AS Saint-Étienne, but what I can tell you is that we have him on the phone regularly. There are rules to be observed and it is still inappropriate to say that he will join us, but there is a will (to make him come) and it is unanimous “.

Alvaro Gonzales also tracked, young people on the start

Regarding the quest for a central defender, Pascal Dupraz confirmed that the name of Alvaro Gonzales “was mentioned by the recruitment cell). the economic aspect is preponderant. If OM are willing to take charge of their salary, we welcome them with open arms“.

There are too many professional players in Saint-Étienne – Pascal Dupraz

The arrival of Paul Bernardoni shuffles the cards at the goalkeeper post. Arrived from Angers, the titular role seems promised to him and puts a veil on Etienne Green’s future. “He is under contract answers Pascal Dupraz. He is professional and subject to competition.

Étienne Green is therefore not invited to leave according to the Haut-Savoyard, on the other hand other players could take off : “I think that a few young players need to go and rub shoulders with what is best done among amateurs. There are too many professional players in Saint-Étienne. The workforce is too large and that makes too little playing time for some. It would be better to go and exercise their talent elsewhere for a while.. “

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