Excess of… slowness: a man arrested with the triple of the alcohol limit in the blood

A man from Nantes, in western France, was arrested in a state of severe intoxication while driving at as little as 30 km / h on the motorway, before triggering a police chase by pressing the mushroom up to… 50 km/h at the sight of flashing lights.

A 56-year-old motorist was reportedly arrested on Monday after driving at as little as 30 km/h on a road sector authorizing up to 90 km/h, the media reported West France Tuesday, according to France live.

The problem is that at the sight of the flashing lights, the man with his abilities heavily affected by alcohol would have tried to flee the police by accelerating up to 50 km / h, according to the French media.

But after only 6 km, the man finally ended the pursuit, before being arrested by the police.

It was then that a blood alcohol test would have revealed more than 2.72 g of alcohol per liter in the blood, more than five times the limit of 0.5 g allowed in France. By way of comparison, in Quebec, this is equivalent to more than three times the limit, which is 0.08 g per 100 ml, or 0.8 g per liter of blood.

The man could be charged with refusing to comply, drunk driving and excessive slowness, the latter being liable to a fine of 35€ – 50$ Canadian – only.

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