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With 60 million visitors last year, it is the most touristic region in Germany. Bavaria is especially full of majestic peaks.
White expanses 350 kilometers from Mont-Blanc. Majestic peaks, mountain lakes, fairy-tale landscapes… At 3,000 meters above sea level, Mount Zugspitze is the highest peak in Germany, and a train takes it up. “You have to be vigilant (…) and if it’s too frozen, we have massive problems. But I would say that I have the best workplace in the world”, says his driver. Upon arrival, even die-hard skiers can’t help but snap a shot of the panoramic view.
Every day Andreas delivers mail across Mount Zugspitze: “I don’t know any postmen who go higher! We’re at an altitude of 2,962 meters.” Tourists love to send postcards from this exceptional location. Each year, 40 million come to Bavaria. Among them, in winter, Germans who spend their camping vacations.