Agricultural producers from Laval and the Lower Laurentians converged on Laval on Thursday, behind the wheel of their tractors, to demand better financial support from the provincial government and to denounce the addition of restrictive environmental standards for their work.
The rain did not prevent farmers from gathering in front of the Centropolis cinema in Laval, signs in hand. Representatives of the next generation of farmers and the Union of Agricultural Producers (UPA) also took part in the demonstration, including Martin Caron, general president of the UPA.
The convoy marched from Mirabel, passing through Saint-Eustache, Laval-Ouest and Highway 440. Another gathering of agricultural producers was held Thursday in Mont-Laurier, in front of the MAPAQ regional office.

These gatherings are in addition to a series of similar demonstrations organized across the province since December 2023. Another convoy will meet on April 12 at the Saint-Hyacinthe agricultural exhibition.