Emmanuel Macron unveiled on Sunday evening the outlines of the future bill on the end of life, promised for almost a year, but which was slow to finalize.
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“Death cannot be a taboo, silent subject.” In a message posted on the social networkMonday March 11, Gabriel Attal specifies that the examination in the National Assembly of the bill on the end of life will begin on May 27. “HAS our fellow citizens who are faced with this situation, we owe a peaceful, informed debate, respectful of everyone’s positions, just as the public debate has been thanks to the National Consultative Ethics Committee and the Citizens’ Convention.”writes the Prime Minister.
In an interview with The cross And Release, Emmanuel Macron revealed, on Sunday March 10, the outlines of the future bill on the end of life, promised for almost a year, but which was slow to finalize. The text envisaged by the executive aims to allow certain people “to request assistance in dying under certain strict conditions”. To qualify, patients must be of legal age, “capable of full and complete discernment”suffering from a “Incurable disease” with a vital prognosis “committed in the short or medium term” and faced with suffering “which cannot be relieved”according to the president.