Ex-reality TV contestant Aurelie Van Daelen has decided to show her full body untouched to help with self-acceptance! -PICTURES

Aurélie Van Daelen piqued the curiosity of 886 subscribers on Tuesday June 6, 2023. “Tonight, I am stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s scary, but I need to do it, for me BUT also for you. To change the standards of beauty, to release this shame or embarrassment that one can feel when one is not perfect”, wrote the former candidate of “Secret Story” via his story… An intriguing message which gave way moments later to a post on his feed.

A post bringing together four photos in which Aurélie Van Daelen poses in front of her mirror while she wears a sublime green bikini that suits her perfectly! A post that the mother of the family commented as follows: “ It is not easy ! For those who have been following me for years, you have seen me play weight yo-yo, I fought day after day to lose my curves and be able to “finally” love myself, as if it was the only thing that mattered. But I hadn’t understood anything…”

“This body, my body, is my extraordinary machine. He helped me through the darkest times of my life. (…) I love him because he welcomed my child, I love him because he protected me during the psychological abuse, I love him because even if he is not perfect, he is mine and just me, unique and beautiful with my visible and invisible scars. Loving yourself is much more than this reflection in the mirror or finding yourself “beautiful” ”added Aurélie.

See also: A famous Secret Story candidate who suffered a stroke!

Aurélie Van Daelen: Internet users say “thank you” to her!

A beautiful message salted by the Web. Indeed, while the post in question has accumulated more than 70,000 likes in not even 24 hours, Internet users also wanted to comment on the publication in question to say a big congratulations to the influencer, but also to let her know that she was an example and her body was as beautiful as her soul.

“I never comment but there, you amaze me and you teach us all a lesson: accepting and loving each other is the key to happiness”, “This text, so telling, brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for being true”, “A sublime woman both inside and out”, can we read.


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