Ex-PSG star stabbed and taken to hospital

A few hours after the burglary and kidnapping suffered by Alexandre Letellier and his family, another tragedy affects PSG. This time, it’s a former star of the club in question. Indeed, Ezequiel Lavezzi has just been admitted to hospital in Uruguay after being stabbed. Everything would have taken place during a private evening, according to our colleagues at The Team

. Accustomed to festive evenings, the former left-back of the capital club does not seem to have changed his habits. During the party, the Argentine athlete allegedly had an altercation with a relative around 5:00 a.m. according to some local media.

However, another hypothesis is put forward by other colleagues. Namely, an evening during which the alcohol would have flowed a little too much until it degenerated. After being stabbed, Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s ex-teammate, who played for PSG from 2012 to 2016, was transported to Punta del Este hospital in Uruguay. Fortunately, the former striker’s days are not numbered as relayed The Team.

Also see: Alexandre and Chloé Letellier: the PSG star and his sweetheart influencer sequestered with their children

Another drama, a few hours after the hell experienced by Alexandre Letellier

In fact, more fear than harm for Ezequiel Lavezzi who would “only” suffer from “small puncture wound in the abdomen as well as a fracture at the level of the clavicle”. For his part, the journalist
German Garcia Grova

put forward a third theory. According to our colleague, the ex-player of the capital club was injured by falling from a ladder.

This bad news comes just a few hours after a terrible night experienced by Alexandre Letellier. Indeed, the replacement goalkeeper for Paris-Saint-Germain was robbed and kidnapped on the night of December 18 to 19 while he was in the company of his wife Chloé and his two children. The family was threatened with a knife by four individuals.


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