Three other people who were in the helicopter with him survived the crash.
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Former Chilean President Sebastian Piñera died at the age of 74 on Tuesday February 6 in a helicopter crash at Lago Ranco, a resort 920 km south of the capital Santiago, his office announced . Three other people who were with him in the helicopter survived the accident, according to the same source.
The former president served two non-consecutive terms, between 2010 and 2014, then between 2018 and 2022. He was the first right-wing leader to be elected after the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).
“He will receive all the Republican honors and recognition he deserves,” declared Interior Minister Carolina Tohá, from the government of left-wing President Gabriel Boric, as soon as the death was announced. Sebastian Piñera, a savvy businessman, often traveled in his own helicopter. He was a former shareholder in the country’s national airline, with stakes in a television network and other businesses.