Ex-judge Jacques Delisle has not finally finished with justice

The Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) is not giving up on ex-judge Jacques Delisle, initially found guilty in 2012 of having killed his wife. He is appealing the judgment having decreed at the beginning of the month the cessation of criminal proceedings against the 86-year-old man.

The DPCP announced its intentions on Thursday noon.

After a legal saga that lasted more than 10 years, and even a rare intervention by the Federal Minister of Justice who feared a miscarriage of justice in his case, the DPCP wants the man to return behind bars.

Minister David Lametti ordered a second trial for Jacques Delisle last year.

But as soon as this second murder trial was ordered, the former Quebec judge asked for the proceedings against him to be stopped, pleading an abuse of state law based on the negligence of one of its experts, which prevented him to present a full answer and defence.

He won his case: Judge Jean-François Émond of the Superior Court ordered a stay of proceedings on April 9.

By doing so, Jacques Delisle did not have to undergo another trial.

It is this decision by Judge Émond that the DPCP is appealing, thus demonstrating its desire to pursue the criminal proceedings and conduct a second trial.

Further details will follow.

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