Everything you need to know about the thyroid

We often don’t know exactly what the thyroid is, where it is, how it works and what it does. The thyroid is however at the origin of more or less serious pathologies: cancers, nodules, hypothyroidism Where hyperthyroidism. In France, nearly 3 million people have thyroid-related health problems.

This is a small gland located in the neck (above the Adam’s apple), which it is important to monitor at the slightest symptom. Indeed, thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) play an essential role in quality of life and health. What are the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction? What treatments exist today?

To answer these questions, Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Dr Emmanuelle Lecornet-Sokolshe is an endocrinologist and, with Caroline Balma-Chaminadour, she published What if it was hormonal? by Hachette editions, reissued in paperback by Marabout editions. It sheds light on this poorly understood organ and the role of the hormones it secretes, on the pathologies associated with it and the treatments to respond to them.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Hello Doctor speaks today about breast canceron the occasion of Pink October, a campaign to fight against breast cancer which has just started, and reviews the government’s announcements about medical deserts.

Dr. Jimmy Mohmaed seeks the Professor Francois Desgrandchampsurologist and head of the Saint-Louis hospital in Paris, to answer Benoît who wonders: Is it advisable to masturbate regularly to relieve your prostate? »

He responds to Madeline, who lives in Dunkirk, and asks her what to do when you have tachycardia.

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