everything you need to know about prostate cancer

Every year in November, men around the world are invited to grow a mustache. It’s the Movember, a contraction of “mo” for mustache and november (november in English). This annual event, organized by the Movember Foundation Charity, aims to raise public awareness and funds for research into male diseases such as Prostate cancer.

In France, the prostate cancer remains the most common in men (25%), followed by lung and colorectal cancers. Rare before the age of 50, it has a very good vital prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of more than 90%. Mortality has been falling steadily since 1990, partly thanks to improved treatment and access to screening, which allows them to be diagnosed at an early stage.

How is prostate cancer diagnosed? Which age group is most affected? What treatments exist today?

Movemberwhich highlights prostate cancer in particular, is an opportunity for Hello doctor speak of it. Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Prof. François Desgrandchampshead of the urology and renal and pancreatic transplantation department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris and professor of urology at the University of Paris 7.

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