“Everything is ready” for the entry into the campaign of Emmanuel Macron, who has “a France in advance”, according to Stanislas Guerini (LREM)

“Everything is ready” for the entry into the campaign of Emmanuel Macron, assured Stanislas Guerini, general delegate of La République en Marche, this Monday on franceinfo. According to information from franceinfo, the President of the Republic will not declare himself a presidential candidate before the week of February 28. “That Will” to run for a second term “is obvious on his part”underlined the one who is also a deputy for Paris, but “campaign today”in view of the protracted Ukrainian crisis, “It’s actually much more difficult”.

“For months we’ve been on the pitch, and in a way I feel like I’m on the campaign trail.continued Stanislas Guerini. We did it to promote our record, we did it to listen to the French too.” “We are basically talking in this campaign about everything that is accessory, not to talk about everything that is essential.he regretted. Are we capable of regaining control of our collective destiny? This is the question that has been posed by this crisis” sanitary.

The General Delegate of La République en Marche “wish” as well as the next five-year period “a five-year period of full employment, that is to say the adequacy between the needs of the country and the talents and skills”. For him, “It must be a major axis in this campaign”. “The relationship to time, to space, to the way of forming, perhaps throughout one’s life, these are questions that are absolutely central” who “should occupy the presidential debate a little more today”.

As for education, “this is where it all begins”hammered the Parisian deputy. “We can clearly see that there is a challenge in putting teachers back at the center of our society, the enhancement of their careers, the enhancement of teachers’ salaries”said the one who “always pleaded that we must increase the remuneration of teachers, including by postponing the pension reform”.

Must also “being able to review the organization” in education. “In Marseille, the President of the Republic has launched a project to give establishments a little more autonomy” and “to have the ability to choose their teaching team, to have a little more control over what is done within the establishment”, he recalled. Should this experiment be extended? “I believe him”replied Stanislas Guerini, despite the criticism.

“This election must be that of the project”insisted the deputy, who deplores “a campaign that looks in the rear view mirror”. “Today, you have to look ahead. I think that the President of the Republic, basically, has France ahead of its competitors”he launched.

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