“Everything is good to distort the words” of Emmanuel Macron, denounces Thomas Cazenave

The Minister for Public Accounts and candidate in Gironde for these legislative elections, castigated this Wednesday “the way in which” the words of Emmanuel Macron were “interpreted”, who declared that the New Popular Front wanted to allow sex change in town hall.


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Thomas Cazenave, Minister for Public Accounts, on franceinfo.  (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

After Emmanuel Macron’s remarks pointing out “completely ludicrous things” in the program of the New Popular Front “like going to change sex at the town hall”the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts and candidate for the legislative elections in the first constituency of Gironde, Thomas Cazenave, guest on Franceinfo on Wednesday June 19, believes that during this legislative campaign “everything is good in a certain way to distort words”.

The day before, Tuesday June 18, on the sidelines of a trip to the island of Sein in Finistère, the president explained about the program of the left coalition: “There are completely ludicrous things, like going to change your sex in town hall for example”.

“We have always fought major societal battles, I am thinking of the PMA, I am thinking of the inclusion of abortion in the constitution”

Thomas Cazenave

on franceinfo

According to Thomas Cazenave, the comments made by Emmanuel Macron are a reaction to the NFP program regarding change of civil status: “This means, for all those who undertake this path to change sex in a certain way, [que] this is not a Cerfa subject [formulaires permettant les démarches auprès de l’administration] At the mayor.”

On the economic level, the Minister for Public Accounts denounces a “New Popular Front which goes from François Hollande to Philippe Poutou” And “represents an economic threat to our public finances”. The NFP like the National Rally, he explains, “entered the Lépine competition for the most expenses”.

According to him, the left coalition plans “200 to 300 billion euros in new spending that is completely unfunded” and the far-right party “100 billion in new spending”. For Thomas Cazenave, “the question of public finances is a serious question and I have the impression that, both on the extreme right and on the extreme left, we have completely forgotten public finances, which we are razing for free and we make promise after promise, in a demagogic competition of news.”

What about the European Commission which is paving the way for excessive deficit procedures against seven European countries, including France? “It is an expected decision in a way, a bit mechanical, because the European Commission is putting these rules back in place and we actually have a public deficit greater than 3% like six other countries, we have never hidden it “judge Thomas Cazenave, ensuring that a “procedure for restoring our public finances” was engaged.

During the first round of the legislative elections, in the first constituency of Gironde, Thomas Cazenave will face him Béatrice Pomarel (Centrist Alliance / Various right), Virginie Tournay (Reconquest!), Céline Papin (Les Écologues/New Popular Front), Fanny Quandalle (Workers’ Struggle) and Bruno Paluteau (National Rally).

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