“Everything but Macron”, a columnist from “TPMP” announces live that he will vote for Marine Le Pen!

Bis repeated. Never has the result of a first round in the presidential election been so talked about. Five years later, history is repeating itself and the French will have to choose between Emmanuel Macron, for a second term, and Marine Le Pen, on April 24. Many citizens are disappointed for several reasons. The main one is undoubtedly the fact that the country seemed tired of seeing Emmanuel Macron at the head of the country. However, he has never been so well placed to find himself five more years at the Élysée.

It remains to be seen whether he will succeed in convincing the electorate on the left, and in particular that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It looks pretty bad. Especially when we see the reaction of Fabrice Di Vizio on TPMP this Monday, April 11, the columnist openly let it be known that he was going to vote for Marine Le Pen to block Emmanuel Macron. He had already made it known on Twitter and did not hesitate to repeat it on the set of Cyril Hanouna when he faced Manuel Valls.

Fabrice Di Vizio v Manuel Valls

The Minister of the Interior, under the presidency of François Hollande, was also on TPMP to discuss the results of the first round of the presidential election. This one was also taken to task by Fabrice Di Vizio. “He, he had to face, this is also a reason why I support him, major and social crises. The Yellow Vests, the pandemic which did not only affect France… With in addition a confrontation in France with personalities, like you (Fabrice Di Vizio: editor’s note), who seemed to me on this subject to be in danger, in a deception compared to our compatriots”released Manuel Valls.

To which his interlocutor replied: “Hearing Emmanuel Macron’s support talk about deception, I really had to be there to hear it. It’s exceptional. Bravo, Mr. Valls. don’t come here for you! I’m going to tell you sir, I’m a person who, for 5 years, has been pissed off by his President of the Republic”.

See also: Zapping: Patrick Sébastien imitates Fabrice Di Vizio, Cyril Hanouna hilarious


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