everyone works but it’s (much) cheaper

As a reminder, the average annual budget to have your car repaired: more than 1000 euros.

And so, to pay 2 to 3 times less than in a classic garage, today I’m taking you to a self-parking !

A little elbow grease

Of course… if you don’t have mechanics in your skin, or if you and the DIY make downright two, you will have the help of a professional… with all the equipment made available… to do the Routine maintenance: check or change discs, pads, oil change, change tires or a battery, for example.

Several types of structures

On the one hand the self garage, it is a classic company which offers this service, on the other the solidarity garage (and therefore associative) there is on the one hand the desire to offer a low-cost maintenance service, especially for the most precarious, but also a professional integration project behind it.

Many collaborative garages

They are still well established, yes, I found several that have just opened their doors elsewhere: in Saint-Nazaire, the solidarity garage RE-PARE accompanies people who want to maintain their vehicle at a lower cost, but it also helps people who have mobility problems, whether to find a breakdown vehicle, an alternative to the car… to find other self-service garages you can take a look at the selfgarage.org site which has put a directory online.

Very attractive prices

It varies from one garage to another but we are in these price ranges: 20 to 40 euros per hour with the presence of a professional who accompanies you for your repair, 35 euros per hour of maintenance at Transmission 14 in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, If you go to the Espace Auto workshop in Le Puy en Velay you will pay 55 euros for a service-drainage package..

Access possible under conditions

It really depends on each garage and its level of solicitation or social project. But sometimes there are criteria. This is the case of a newcomer to Hénin-Carvin. To take advantage of its 570 square meters of workshops, you must be unemployed, have low incomes or be under 26 years old. But in general it is necessary at least to join the association to access it when it is a solidarity garage.

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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