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Will the end of life be a campaign theme? It is a sensitive question, sometimes even still taboo. French law prohibits euthanasia and assisted suicide. A young woman has just accompanied her mother, aged 49, suffering from Charcot’s disease, She took the direction of Switzerland and tells us about their path in this decision-making.
It is the story of an active woman, director of human resources, a hectic life that comes to an abrupt end. Suffering from an incurable disease, she chooses to end her life on December 9, as part of an assisted suicide. It took courage for her only daughter to accompany her daughter to the end. Today, she is resuming her fight for the right to die with dignity. “When we know that we have an incurable disease, that there is no other way out, and that in any case death will come and seek us, it is the right that everyone should to have, to be able to die when he decides “, says Salomé Breval, daughter of Christelle Calabrèse.
His mother had thought long and hard about his act. It all started two years ago, when his health deteriorated. After more than a year of examinations, the diagnosis fell: Charcot’s disease, an incurable neurodegenerative disease, with uprogressive paralysis of the muscles to the point of suffocation. The suffering becomes unbearable. His mother began long proceedings for assisted suicide, a practice prohibited in France. She then decides to go and die in Switzerland. His daughter accompanies him. There, they are welcomed by an association specializing in the end of life. In her room, she drinks the liquid that causes death in a matter of minutes. “It allows the people who accompany them to see the person leave in good conditions, without suffering”, says Salomé Breval.