“Everyone makes mistakes”, defends François Ruffin


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The deputy of the Somme, who said he was “pained”, especially pointed to the uniformity of the National Assembly.

“Everyone makes mistakes”said Tuesday, May 10 on franceinfo the rebellious deputy of the Somme François Ruffin about Taha Bouhafs, who announces on Twitter withdraw his candidacy in the 14th constituency of the Rhône after having “weathered an unprecedented storm of attacks”.

François Ruffin says to himself “sadness”without clearly answering whether or not he supports the divisive candidacy of Taha Bouhafs, who must be tried on appeal for “public insult” after insulting a police unionist from“service Arabic” in 2020.

“What worries me is not that there is a Taha Bouhafs in the National Assembly. That’s all there is not in the Assembly. How many workers? How many of masons? What worries me about democracy is this uniformity.”

Francois Ruffin

at franceinfo

“I would like the National Assembly to be representative of the diversity of French societycontinued the outgoing MP, candidate for re-election. And we can consider that Taha Bouhafs represents part of the sensitivity of the French population.”

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