“Everyone is shooting” at Valérie Pécresse, “the only one who can win against the president”, says MP LR Robin Reda

While candidate LR is going to present her first campaign meeting, her supporters are mobilizing to highlight the qualities of Valérie Pécresse.

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“Valérie Pécresse is the woman to kill, everyone shoots her because she is the only one who can win against the president”estimated Robin Reda, deputy Les Républicains, Sunday February 13 on franceinfo.

A few hours before the first major presidential campaign rally of the LR candidate, at the Zenith in Paris, the LR deputy from Essonne said to himself “extremely confident” and calls on its competitors to “stop the cartoons”.

According to him, “Valérie Pécresse has shown this week that she is a fighter, a conqueror, that she does not allow herself to be impressed by the individual macronists’ attempts at poaching”while his camp suffered defections in favor of Emmanuel Macron, not yet a declared candidate.

“The macronists have a single obsession, to be in the second round with either Marine Le Pen or Éric Zemmour to hope to win”, he continued, warning that “it’s not a few maneuvers that will impress Valérie Pécresse”.

“We had ten years of Dutchism and Macronism which damaged France”denounced Robin Reda, one of Valérie Pécresse’s spokespersons, considering that “the only way to rebuild the country and better protect the French is to elect a courageous president” because “Valérie Pécresse has shown in her political career that she has the strength, the energy and the tenacity to change things”.

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