“Every wound is a promise”, Simon Brousseau

On November 12, 2020, Simon Brousseau learned that his father had ALS, a degenerative disease which would not grant him more than five years of reprieve; five years which will ultimately only be 14 too short months. In this moving and tear-filled story, the writer of Synapses (Cheval d’August, 2016) tells of the pain and anguish of a very near end, experienced with the distance imposed by the pandemic as well as that imposed by life and the relentless rotation of daily life. Through memories, fatherhood and literature, the author learns to deal with an awareness of a disarming simplicity – that of the inevitability of death -, perceiving in this evidence “a reason to devote oneself to “love without delay”. Authentic, gentle and clairvoyant, Every injuryis a promise finds in the most ordinary revelations true moments of grace. We come away from this reading touched, shaken, determined to love so well and so strongly that it is possible to “rescue something from oblivion”. Of great beauty.

Every wound is a promise


Simon Brousseau, Héliotrope, Montreal, 2023, 210 pages

To watch on video

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