ever-increasing numbers of crossings




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The Channel crossings are more and more numerous and the human toll is increasing. Three people disappeared while trying to reach England from Calais (Pas-de-Calais).

Scattered on the Calais side (Pas-de-Calais), the migrants live in camps of unsanitary fortunes. Meals on the ground, basic toilets in the cold. But now the tents are frequently seized by the police. “I had a shelter but the police decided to seize it. I no longer have a tent and now I have to live in the forest, I stay in the woods”, assures an Afghan exile.

Everyone is waiting for a risky crossing to the United Kingdom. Friday, October 12, three migrants disappeared in the sea. A scenario that a group of Iranians could have lived. “The capacity was full, we stayed in the boat for three minutes and it overturned”, specifies one of them. For the past month, two activists have been on hunger strike to support the migrants in Calais. The two strikers want to make their demands heard. “1,500 people are surviving in the mud and the rain”, reports Anaïs Vogel, hunger striker.


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