Event | The big comeback of La Cuvée

After two years of absence, La Cuvée is back from March 30 to 1er April in the sumptuous Salon 1861 in Griffintown, with an exclusive selection of Quebec beers, spirits, wines and ciders.

Nearly 40 microbreweries will be represented for the ninth edition of the event and the public will thus have the opportunity to taste some 60 exceptional products brought together by Katerine Cusson-Dumouchel, all this without counting the exclusive beers brewed for the event. from the Relais Boréale in Montreal.

Among the primeurs, mention should be made of Jardin Arthur Basilic and L’Épine luisante, new spontaneous fermentation beers from the small Gaspé brewery Brett et Sauvage, as well as Hopfenstark Blend #1.

Jackalhop will present Helioscope, a barrel-aged barley wine, while the Madelinan microbrewery À l’abri de la tempest will present a Belgian triple cryoconcentrated at 14.3% which marks the 18th anniversary of the brewery in L ‘Pond of the North.

Moreover, following the trend initiated during the last editions of La Cuvée, Quebec distillery products are more and more in sight, so much so that Thursday evening is entirely devoted to them; six distilleries will be on hand to promote their best products: Distillerie du Fjord, Distillerie Euclide, Club local, BluePearl Distillery, Distillerie Grand Dérangement and Distillerie Wabasso.

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