Even more support for student-athletes

The Foundation for Athletic Excellence (FAEQ) reiterated its commitment to donate no less than $ 281,000 to 169 emeritus student-athletes from Quebec CEGEPs and universities, members of the RSEQ.

Due to the cancellation of the 2020-2021 RSEQ sports season, the FAEQ was unable to present its traditional Quebec University Sports Gala this year. However, the Foundation was keen to organize a virtual event on November 30 to highlight the support that the Foundation will offer this season to 45 new student-athletes through its recruitment grants.

The Foundation for Athletic Excellence will award 19 college recruitment scholarships of $ 3,000 over 3 years and 23 university recruitment scholarships of $ 10,000 over 5 years.

In the context of the pandemic and the many consequences on college and university sport, the FAEQ also decided in the summer of 2020 to set up a special scholarship program, intended for student-athletes who have started their course in an establishment outside the province and which have returned to Quebec for the current college or university session. Three special scholarships of $ 2,000 will therefore be awarded in 2021.

In addition, in June, five Gildan Leadership scholarships were awarded to recognize the social commitment of inspiring student-athletes and involved in their community.

“The student-athletes had to demonstrate once again great resilience in the face of the many disappointments imposed on them by the COVID-19 pandemic, both at school and in sport, for a period of full season! It is therefore with great pride that we continue to support them through our scholarship programs, specified the Foundation’s Executive Director, Patricia demers, through a press release. “The program allows us to support a student-athlete in their academic and athletic development for no less than eight years. More relevant than ever, it has certainly helped guide many of our scholarship holders to their destination in the past few months, which have been most eventful. ”

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