even before the launch of the new season, Vianney drops a bomb in the middle of a press conference and says… bored!

The new season of “The Voice” is fast approaching. Unfortunately, the latter will be done without Jenifer. Indeed, the interpreter of the title “In the sun” has just been replaced by her greatest rival. This year, it is therefore Nolwenn Leroy who will have the opportunity to sit on one of the famous red seats of the show. The 39-year-old singer is expected to face Marc Lavoine, Amel Bent, Vianney and Florent Pagny. If the team is now complete, one of the members of the jury almost did not rejoin the team. Coach since the tenth season, Vianney confided, this Thursday, January 20, 2022, during the press conference of “The Voice”, that he was about to give up the adventure.

I wondered if I was going to be as happy or excited as last year, because I get bored very quickly. Last year, I made incredible encounters, it was very strong. I wondered if it wouldn’t already be one season too many for me. But in fact, not at all. I am satisfied, I was not bored at all “, explained the Palois. Good news for fans of the show. When he arrived on the set, Vianney had quickly won over fans thanks to his laid-back attitude. Hyperactive, the star was unable to concentrate. A behavior that had made some internet users talk.

I found it crazy to see so many reactions and to be honest I don’t really know what to say on the subject. I know very well what that means to me. I’ve had this since I was little, I’ve been dragging this around since elementary school, I don’t like to sit still for too long. It’s like that. I like to move. In life the same. It’s hyperactivity. Nothing else. Despite the controversy, Vianney has chosen to come back in force for this 11th edition!

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