Evelyne Dhéliat and cancer: operations, heavy treatments … she had tried to hide everything

In 2012, Evelyne Dhéliat learned that she had breast cancer. Concerned for her health, the presenter had initially planned not to say anything about the evil she suffered from to her audience. “At the time, I told myself that it was not worth talking about it and that it might go unnoticed. I was operated on and I had heavy treatments. People started wondering why I wasn’t there. So I decided to say it. I came back, I had a wig. It was difficult for me to live through all of this.” had thus told the former announcer and host of the ORTF to Entertainment TV in 2019.

Forced to wear a wig to hide the effects of her chemotherapy, Evelyne Dhéliat finally saw this ordeal as a way to surpass herself but also as a formative step allowing her to savor even more the flavor of life. “It’s true that I had this wig and it’s true that at some point I was found with short hair, which grew back. And some people said to me: ‘It did us good, you went back to life, you work again, we see you, we saw this evolution and the return to normal life.’ The ordeal strengthens us, we have to move forward otherwise it won’t work. Don’t let go in life“, she confided in the show C to you, on October 15, 2021.

Determined to move forward, the widow of Philippe Maraninchi (died in April 2017) nevertheless remains vigilant and regularly checks her health as she revealed to the magazine Gala in 2020.”I remain vigilant, I do all my checks. Life goes on. Its very important. I watch over everything, but I don’t listen to myself. I’m moving forward (…) During this fight, I was very surrounded by my family, my friends and I took it head on. I knew that I was in good hands to look after myself and, above all, I very quickly returned to work“, had made svoir the mother of Olivia.

Grandmother twice thanks to her daughter who became a lawyer, Evelyne Dhéliat now enjoys her free time with her grandchildren whom she cherishes like the apple of her eye. “I have two grandsons, 10 years old and 6 years old“ she confided in 2013 to Paris Match.

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