Eve Angeli “grandmother before being a mother” at 42, her funny reaction to the situation

She dreams of becoming a mother but nature has not yet given her this lovely gift. For the moment. On the other hand, Eve Angeli is very happy in marriage and she is part of a family which grows considerably around her. If we know almost nothing about her husband – and she will never reveal more about her identity! -, the singer has already mentioned the fact that he was the father of two girls aged 24 and 20 who live in the city of Paris. Mother-in-law, the 42-year-old artist recently became … grandmother by marriage.

One of her husband’s daughters has just welcomed her very first child. This is what Eve Angeli revealed to the magazine Galawhile promoting her new album I spread. It’s quite funny because I was a grandmother before being a mother… I just betrayed myself she jokes. It made me laugh because I said to myself that I had just been a grandmother by marriage, even before being a mother.In 2019, the beautiful Southerner had married the man of her life, after having experienced some disappointments in love. Flourishing in this new role of wife, she hopes, however, to have a little baby of her own one day to carry in her arms.

I tell myself that adoption would be one of the alternatives

Obviously, the fact of having become a grandmother can only remind her that she has not yet had the chance to become pregnant, as she wishes. “It’s nature that must take care of it and for now I’m past 40 and it’s not as obvious as I hopedshe explained recently to Pure people. I thought it would be much simpler. And finally I tell myself that adoption would be one of the alternatives. It’s what I’ve had in me since I was little. I have always said that I will adopt a child. Afterwards, I’m not alone, there are two of us in a couple and my husband currently would prefer a child ‘biologically ours’. So I’m still hoping to tell myself that it can happen overnight, like a miracle.“Let’s hope that the seeds she sows end up, as she dreams of, by bearing fruit…

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