Find here all of our live #UKRAINE
08:12 : @Ju : residents of Nova Kakhovk (which is located in the occupied zone) have been evacuated. But we don’t have much more information, neither on the scale nor on the figures.
08:01 : Is Russia carrying out evacuations in the occupied and flooded part south of the Dnieper?
07:41 : The destruction of the Kakhovka dam causes flooding into the neighboring oblast of Mykolaiv. Since this morning, several bridges have in turn been flooded, reports the media Suspilne. Bread distributions will be set up today and tomorrow by the local authorities.
07:33 : Arrived in Washington yesterday evening, Rishi Sunak evoked the explosion of the Kakhovka dam. Any intentional attack would represent “the largest assault on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine since the beginning of the war and would show what new baseness Russia is capable of in its aggression”said the British Prime Minister.
07:11 : … But also Ouest-France, La Dépêche du Midi, The Latest News from Alsace to recite nobody else but them.

07:09 : Unsurprisingly, the explosion of the Kakhovka dam (and its aftermath) is on the front page of many of your newspapers this morning. The Cross, Le Figaro, Liberation…

07:04 : In two pictures, here is the Kakhovka dam before and after its destruction. The top photo shows the infrastructure intact on June 4th. The bottom one was taken by SkySat yesterday.

06:26 : “The most difficult situation is taking place in Korabelny district of the city of Kherson. So far the water level has risen by 3.5 meters, more than 1,000 houses are flooded”said in a statement the deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Oleksiï Kuleba.
According to Ihor Syrota, the director of the public hydroelectricity company Ukrhydroenergo, the peak of the floods is expected this morning.
06:14 : Mass evacuations continue this morning in southern Ukraine after the partial destruction of the Kakhovka dam which caused flooding in many localities along the Dnieper. Residents boarded buses and trains.
“More than 40,000 people are at risk of being in flooded areas., announced the Ukrainian prosecutor general Andriï Kostine. Ukrainian authorities evacuate more than 17,000 people. Unfortunately, more than 25,000 civilians are in Russian-held territory.”