Evacuation underway in Sloviansk



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Sloviansk, a city in the Donbass, appears to be the next objective of the Russian army. Ukrainian authorities have ordered the evacuation of the last civilians as the bombs rain down.

The Russian army continues its advance in the Donbass. After the fall of Lisichansk, it is the city of Sloviansk, in the province of Donetsk, which could soon fall. The area is in turn bombarded day and night. The strikes hit the central market for the first time, leaving two dead and several injured. “Nothing forces me to stay here anymore”, testifies a shopkeeper whose store was destroyed by the bombs. He is one of the last inhabitants not to have left the city yet.

From 110,000 inhabitants before the invasion, Sloviansk has now grown to a population of some 20,000 people. As the fall of the city seems to be announced for the next few days, the Ukrainian authorities have ordered the evacuation of civilians. Some men decided to stay to fight. Ukrainian soldiers fortify the area, hoping to stop the Russian steamroller.

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