evacuation of civilians in Kherson continues


France 3

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The Battle of Kherson, which fell to the Russians in early March, is one of the key battles to come in this war in Ukraine. Faced with the advance of the Ukrainian forces, the pro-Russian authorities called on all civilians to flee immediately. France Télévisions is the only Western media to have been able to return to this city in the south of the country on Saturday October 22. Our special correspondent Luc Lacroix was there.

“We are here in the city of Kherson and as you can see, the evacuations of civilians are continuing. With them, the few things they were able to take. Just now, we even saw patients on stretchers be transported on small boats”reports Luc Lacroix, special correspondent for France Télévisions. “The ferries are practically the only way to leave the city and reach the other bank, the left bank of the Dnieper which is located further from the front line”adds the journalist.

“Residents we spoke to told us that they were not forced by the Russian army to leave this city of Kherson. They even said that some residents choose to stay here. So there are still civilians in Kherson. The front line is a few tens of kilometers from here, on the other hand, this area, here, is still controlled by the Russian army”concludes Luc Lacroix, live from Kherson.

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