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In Mariupol (Ukraine), many civilians were evacuated on Thursday 5 May. They traveled 250 kilometers to take refuge in Zaporizhia.
Russian rocket fire targeted the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance in the Avozstal factory in Mariupol (Ukraine) on Thursday May 5. Civilians were able to escape this hell, buses made it possible to evacuate a hundred of them. The convoy sets off, accompanied and protected by the United Nations. It travels more than 250 kilometers to reach Zaporijia. The exiles are now safe, some are very moved to find a loved one. A woman explains that the Russians arrested some people who would be Ukrainian fighters, based in particular on their tattoos.
All these civilians had taken refuge in the basement of the Azovstal factory. “We didn’t live, we just survived. The conditions were very difficult, we slept on benches. Some people and children slept on concrete floors”, says a woman. The UN announces the dispatch of a new convoy to evacuate the last civilians trapped in Mariupol.