Eva Longoria: her son Santiago has grown up well… and doesn’t look like her at all!

Genetics is sometimes difficult to understand. This week, it was actress Eva Longoria and her 4-year-old little man, Santiago, who challenged Internet users by posting a snapshot where we notice… that they don’t look alike at all. Indeed, the actress appeared on Instagram this Tuesday with her young son born in 2018. The mother and her son posed hand in hand, wearing their best smile to immortalize this joyful moment of complicity.

For the occasion, Santiago was dressed in a casual ensemble with a sporty vibe while his mother looked very chic and elegant in a top that crossed between a pancho and a trench coat, as well as a pair of heeled boots. “my precious life“Left the star in the comments. Even if for the moment he still seems to have taken everything from his father and that we do not find him much resemblance to his mother, little Santiago still has time to change a lot! D Elsewhere, in life, maybe he will take the path of film sets just like his mother!

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