Eurovision | Volodymyr Zelensky prevented from speaking during the final

(London) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will not be able to speak via video message during the Eurovision Song Contest final, the organizer of the singing competition said on Thursday.

“Mr. Zelensky’s request to address the Eurovision Song Contest audience, although made with laudable intentions, regrettably cannot be granted as it would break the rules of the event,” the statement said. European Broadcasting Union (EBU) which organizes the contest.

“One of the pillars of the competition is the non-political nature of the event. This principle prohibits political or similar statements during the competition,” explained the EBU.

The competition is being held this year in Liverpool (north of England), the United Kingdom having offered to host Eurovision in place of Ukraine, winner last year, and which as such would have had to organize the event, but who had to give it up because of the Russian invasion.

The final, which will be held on Saturday and will see 26 countries compete, provides a strong tribute to Ukraine, with the presence of eleven Ukrainian artists on stage, including Kalush Orchestra, last year’s winner, said the EBU.

Video clips broadcast during the evening will show different places in the country.

Liverpool also unveiled a monument “symbol of hope” for Ukraine, an aluminum statue of a man holding a book from which escapes a dove with a Ukrainian flag.

She must stay at Strawberry Field, the garden surrounding the Salvation Army orphanage which gave its name to the cult psychedelic song of the Beatles, before being sent to Ukraine on the return of peace.

Russia was excluded from the competition, as in the 2022 edition.

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