Europeans divided over delivery of fighter jets to kyiv


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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Volodymyr Zelensky demands fighter planes from his European allies. They are divided on the issue.

While Ukraine calls for fighter jets, the Western camp remains divided. Some countries are more forthcoming than others on this issue, such as Slovakia, which claims to be working on it, or Poland, which indicates that it will respond positively to this request. The Netherlands say to themselves open to send in some of their old F-16s. For their part, France and Germany prefer to temporize. THE President Emmanuel Macron does not close the door, but he believes that this does not correspond to today’s needs and that in no case could planes be delivered in the coming weeks.

Risk of escalation

The priority, he says, is to deliver weapons “more useful”. There are several reasons for this: the training of pilots, which would take time, the security of air bases, and then the Europeans fear an escalation with Russia. Before leaving Brussels, Volodymyr Zelensky spoke of positive signals. Ukraine expects an offensive by the Russian army in the coming weeks, explains the journalist from France Télévisions, Julien Gasparutto, live from Brussels (Belgium).

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