European Union: Parliament votes to create a carbon tax at Europe’s borders


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On Wednesday June 22, the European Parliament voted to create a carbon tax at Europe’s borders. The journalist Julian Gasparuttolive from Brussels in Belgium, explains how this tax will work.

The European Parliament voted on Wednesday, June 22, the creation of a carbon tax at the borders of Europe. “This tax will apply to imports of the most polluting products: steel, aluminum or cement. The objective is to preserve European companies which today pay a carbon price, that is to say a little the price of their pollution, much higher than in the rest of the world”explains journalist Julien Gasparuttolive from Brussels (Belgium).

“The other objective is to avoid the relocation of certain groups which will, precisely, produce elsewhere to be less taxed. With this mechanism, a company that imports, for example, cement from Turkey will have to pay the same carbon price as cement produced in Europe.”continues the journalist. “This tax will be implemented from 2027, and at the same time, the rights to pollute which are currently granted to certain companies to remain competitive will be abolished”concludes Julien Gasparutto.

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