European Union foreign ministers gather in kyiv for “historic meeting”

The foreign affairs ministers of the European Union met on Monday October 2 in kyiv for a “historic meeting” aimed at expressing the “solidarity” with this country facing the Russian invasion, announced the head of diplomacy of the European Union. “I am summoning foreign ministers to kyiv today, the first meeting of all 27 member countries outside the EU,” said Josep Borrell. “It is a historic event because, for the first time, we are meeting outside (…) the borders of the European Union”but “within the future borders of the European Union”declared the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba, while receiving his counterparts in kyiv. Follow our live stream.

Joe Biden assures that he will not “abandon” kyiv. “I want to say to our allies, to the American people and to the people of Ukraine, you can count on our support”declared the American president on Sunday, the day after the vote by the American Congress on an agreement to postpone the “shutdown” deadline but excluding additional aid to kyiv. “There is a sense of urgency” to approve a new financing measure for Ukraine in the coming days and weeks, Joe Biden said.

Ukraine says it “respects the choice of the Slovak people” after the populist victory. The populist Smer-SD party, opposed to aid to kyiv, won the legislative election in Slovakia this weekend. “We respect the choice of the Slovak people. But it is too early to say how the result of this election will affect Slovakia’s position”, affirmed the head of Ukrainian diplomacy. Dmytro Kouleba says he is waiting to know “the composition of the coalition”the Smer-SD party having obtained only 23% of the votes.

Drone and shell attacks in Russia leave three injured. Several Russian regions (Belgorod, Bryansk and Smolensk) suffered offensives by Ukrainian drones and shells on Sunday, injuring three people and forcing an airport to divert its flights, their respective officials announced. Since Ukraine launched its counter-offensive in early JuneMoscow accuses Ukrainian forces almost every day of attacking civilian targets with drones or shells.

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