European tour of sanitary restrictions



France 2

Article written by

L. Desbonnets, J. Gasparutto, A. Mikoczy – France 2

France Televisions

The acceleration of vaccination is the main axis of the government to face the epidemic peak. In Europe, other more restrictive measures are piling up. France Télévisions correspondents in Athens (Greece), Berlin (Germany) and Brussels (Belgium) take stock.

European countries do not all opt for the same strategy in the face of the outbreak of Covid-19 cases. In Belgium, pupils aged six and over will have to wear a mask at school from Monday December 6. “In the secondary, half of the lessons will be done remotely while the school holidays have been brought forward to December 17”, explains Julien Gasparutto, live from Brussels (Belgium). Sports competitions that take place indoors will no longer be able to accommodate the public. The Greek government, for its part, has made vaccination compulsory for those over 60. “The unvaccinated face a fine of 100 euros”, specifies Alban Mikoczy from Athens. The measure will apply at the beginning of January.

In Italy, the health passport will only be valid for people vaccinated from December 6 until January 15: an antigen test will no longer suffice. Finally, in Berlin, Germany, the social life of the unvaccinated is increasingly reduced: “Prohibition for them to go to restaurants, non-essential shops or even cinemas”, underlines Laurent Desbonnets. Some restrictions have been announced to limit gatherings during the holiday season. Fireworks will be prohibited on the evening of December 31st.

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