European Parliament approves EU green label for gas and nuclear

With this vote, these energies are now considered necessary for the energy transition. The label, which makes it possible to mobilize private funds, was until now reserved for renewable energies.

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MEPs, meeting in plenary session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), approved the green label granted by the European Commission to gas and nuclear, Wednesday July 6, after a close vote. These two sources of energy are therefore recognized as necessary to combat climate change.

The controversial text, presented in January by Brussels, classifies as “sustainable” certain investments for the production of electricity in nuclear power stations – which do not emit CO2 – or gas-fired power stations, provided that they mobilize the most advanced technologies. And, for the latter, that they make it possible to close much more polluting coal-fired power stations.

>> Energy: why the green label that the EU wants to grant to nuclear power and gas is debating and dividing the Member States

This classification (known as a taxonomy) should help mobilize private funds to carry out these projects. But the recognition of the contribution of gas and nuclear power in the fight against climate change, which is based on the basis of expert reports, provokes the anger of environmental organizations which denounce an operation of greenwashing. The green label was previously reserved for renewable energies.

The EU executive believes that renewable energies alone will not be able to meet the growing demand for electricity, due to their intermittent production. Hence the need, at least on a transitional basis, to also promote investment in stable and controllable resources such as gas and nuclear. France, which wants to relaunch its nuclear industry, and central European countries such as Poland, which must replace their coal-fired power stations, are behind the Commission.

“I ask you not to reject this fragile compromise negotiated with care”Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, whose country has just taken over the rotating presidency of the EU from France, had asked MEPs. “Nuclear energy and gas from safe countries will be the only way for some member states to reach our common climate goals in the years to come”he pleaded during a speech before the European Parliament.

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