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Meeting in Luxembourg, the 27 European interior ministers discussed the future reform of migration policy. After heated debates, they managed to reach an agreement.
The 27 European Interior Ministers discussed the future reform of European migration policy. “Main advance: the measures to determine whether a migrant can obtain refugee status will have to be carried out at the external borders of the European Union“explains the journalist Julien Gasparutto, who went to Luxembourg. “Frontline countries, including Greece and Italy, will have to carry out procedures and strengthen controls“he continues.
States must be united
“In return, the less exposed States are asked to show more solidarity. They will have to accommodate some of the migrants who have obtained the right to remain on European soil, otherwise they will be penalized with 20,000 euros per person not welcomed.“, says the journalist. But some have expressed disagreement. “Hungary considers this reform to be unacceptable. Discussions will continue with the European Parliament“concludes Julien Gasparutto.