Each year, the European Heritage Days are an opportunity to (re)discover the cultural, historical and sociological diversity that surrounds us. A free event, it offers everyone the opportunity to explore heritage from a constantly renewed angle. There is surely a monument, a place, steeped in history to (re)discover near you, in Loire-Atlantique, Vendée or Maine et Loire. The program of visits is on the website of the European Heritage Days
One example among many others in Saint-Nazaire… Or again this year, the program brings together many public and private players. In Saint-Nazaire, City of Art and History, more than a journey through time, the European Heritage Days are a journey through the thinking of inventors, the lifestyles of the inhabitants, the symbolism of human communities, constantly evolving know-how. They offer a favorable moment for sharing and exploring the City of Saint-Nazaire. The Ecomuseum honors its collection of postcards, the history of the Paquebot France can be seen in the city, at Escal’Atlantic and at the Ecomuseum… Without forgetting the exceptional openings of the town hall, the Temple Masonic or even a class of the 1950s…
For your comfort, remember to reserve your visit slot when indicated in the program. You will also find a mine of practical information to prepare your visits, on the website www.saint-nazaire-musees.com.