“Europe was born thanks to France, it must not die because of France”, declares Gabriel Attal

In the campaign until the end. Guest of the show “Les 4 V” on France 2, Thursday June 6, Gabriel Attal declared that “Europe was born thanks to France, it must not die because of France”calling on the French not to “send a far-right bastion to the European Parliament”, three days before the European elections. The Prime Minister also reacted to the controversy caused by his burst into the Radio de France auditorium on Monday, during an interview with Valérie Hayer. “I find this subject anecdotal (…) Did she experience it as some say? Not at all. We are hand in hand in this campaign”, he said. Follow our live stream.

The Dutch open the election ball. Some 370 million Europeans are called to the polls from Thursday to elect the 720 MEPs. The Netherlands, where polling stations open today, is launching this electoral marathon which will end on Sunday, voting day in the majority of member states, including Germany and France.

Emmanuel Macron in the 8 p.m. news on France 2 and TF1 this evening. Three days before the European elections and on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the President of the Republic will speak in the 8 p.m. news on France 2 and TF1 on Thursday. He must speak on international news, in particular the conflicts in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip.

Marine Le Pen accuses Emmanuel Macron of “manipulating opinion” with the visit of Volodymyr Zelensky. The National Rally deputy judged on Wednesday that the head of state wanted “instrumentalize” the war in Ukraine “to the point of nausea”while the Ukrainian president will address deputies in the National Assembly on Friday and will be received by Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée, two days before the election.

Manon Aubry lends her support to her PS rival, after anti-Semitic tags found on her campaign posters.“These anti-Semitic acts on Raphaël Glucksmann’s posters are abject: I condemn them with the greatest firmness. He has my full solidarity, like all the victims of this poison”, for his part declared the head of the list La Franec insoumise to the Europeans on his X account on Wednesday. The head of the PS-Place publique list Raphaël Glucksmann denounced the “anti-Semitic hatred” of which he is the subject.

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