Europe: new aid for Ukraine, sanctions against Russia… what to remember from the European summit in Versailles


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Ukrainian President Zelensky expects more help from Europe. On March 10 and 11, the European summit was held in Versailles (Yvelines), with the war in Ukraine at the heart of the discussions. Europe remains united but for the moment, no major decision has been taken. On the spot, the journalist Anne Bourse takes stock of this summit.

“The main decision of these two days: release a new envelope of 500 million euros to deliver military equipment to Ukraine”reports journalist Anne Bourse, live from Versailles (Yvelines)Friday, March 11. President Zelensky indeed expects more help from Europe. The European Union wishes to continue to play the card of diplomacy. “The German Chancellors will again have Vladimir Putin on the phone tonight”she continues.

In the rest of the topics discussed at this summit, “the 27 present a timetable to deal with the rise in prices”. Europe is also seeking to break out of its energy dependence, particularly on Russian gas. But disagreements persist behind the scenes. So there are no big announcements at the end of the summit. “The 27 especially wanted to show an image of unity”. Emmanuel Macron nevertheless promises new sanctions against Russia if the war continues.

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