The President of the European Commission is in Cairo this Sunday to sign a controversial migration agreement with Egypt.
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“Under the leadership of Mrs von der Leyen, Europe is transforming into a world bank of authoritarian regimes and dictatorships”, denounces EELV MEP Mounir Satouri, on franceinfo Sunday March 17. The European Union has just signed a partnership agreement with Egypt for 7.4 billion euros, mainly in the form of loans. This agreement notably contains 200 million euros in aid for migration issues. The European Union had already signed this type of agreement with Tunisia and Mauritania.
“The biggest action against migratory flows is that people no longer want to come”
In exchange for this money, Egypt undertakes to retain migrants present on its territory. The country currently hosts nine million refugees, including four million from Sudan. But the elected environmentalist believes that “Egypt is not a country of passage”.
Mounir Satouri says to himself “not only opposed”but also “worried”. He deplores “a terrible blur” on the use of this money. “If there had been conditionalities, we would know, the payments would not be made all at once, they would be done in installments while we check that the conditionalities we sign are respected”, explains Mounir Satouri. He denounces a regime which “insanely represses more than 60,000 political prisoners” And “where corruption is widespread, where most wealth is held by companies close to the military and the Sissi regime”.
According to the MEP, “the biggest action against migratory flows is that people no longer want to come”. He pleads for “structural aid for improving living conditions” : “If we want to prevent migration, there must be progress, particularly social, for example the generalization of health coverage on site so that people can seek treatment on site.”