Europe faced with the migratory challenge, teachers mobilized again… The informed of the morning of January 20

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély to comment on the news of the day: Neila Latrouspolitical journalist at franceinfo, and Etienne Girardeditor-in-chief “Society” at The Express

The themes :

– Should Europe be reformed, and more specifically the Schengen agreements on free movement in certain EU countries? President Emmanuel Macron mentioned this hypothesis during his speech on Wednesday January 19 in Strasbourg, and his Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, guest of franceinfo Thursday morning, considered that it was necessary to be able to “register people who arrive on European soil and control them”. He also mentioned faster processing of asylum applications. This is obviously a particularly sensitive issue in the middle of the electoral campaign for the presidential election.

– Teachers once again mobilized against the health protocol in schools. A strike and demonstrations are planned for Thursday, January 20, in a context of strong protest from the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

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